Revision “Get Extra Contentment!”
Translation revision is part of what we offer to ensure that the translation has been carried out according to all the relevant translation instructions and that we’re delivering exactly the right message and meaning. We offer revision for text that has already been translated by someone else, but which you feel may not be quite right. Revision services are available for Arabic, French or English documents. We have very qualified reviewers whose main tasks are to make sure that the text does not contain any mistranslations, spelling or grammatical errors, and that the translation is complete and carried out according to instructions received in the project assignment.
We compare translated documents with the source text to ensure that the translation:
- Accurately and coherently conveys the original meaning of the source language.
- Is absolutely free from any grammar, punctuation, spelling or typing mistakes.
- Uses correct and consistent terminology.
- Follows the appropriate style.
- Doesn’t add or leave anything out unnecessarily.
- Matches its intended purpose and audience.
- Has no errors in the tagged formats and layouts.